5 Favorite Projects that Premiered on FotoFirst in 2018
FotoFirst is a special segment of the FotoRoom platform dedicated to photography projects that were never published in a photo magazine before. Over the years many talented emerging photographers have chosen us as the first place to showcase their new work publicly, which is something that always makes us feel honored and grateful. Below is the list of 5 favorite projects that premiered on FotoFirst in 2018, and further below you can find a list of all the other photographers who were included in FotoFirst this year. (Would you like to premiere your new project in FotoFirst too? Let us take a look and we will consider it for publication!)

Here are the links to the all the other photographers included in FotoFirst in 2018. Thank you all for choosing FotoRoom to launch your projects publicly!
— Half-Light by Shahrzad Darafsheh
— Delta by Camilla de Maffei
— Jesus, the Yugoslavs and the Creation of the World by Vedad Divovic
— I Used to Believe That I Could Be the Next Larry Bird by David Robert Elliott
— Jiu Valley by Kevin Faingnaert
— Beyond What Is Written by Harry Flook
— 295 Kilometers by Martin Friedrich
— Still Here, Still Conscious by Mark Griffiths
— Emerald by Kenny Hurtado
— Through the Walls by Matthieu Litt
— But the Eyes Are Blind and One Must Look With the Heart by Terry Ratzlaff
— Magdalena by Felipe Romero
— Becoming a Fencer by Paola Serino
— Wild Rose by Landon Speers
— Chrysalises by Guillaume Tomasi
— Days Spent with Pretend Family by Dennese Victoria
— Because We Die by Taryn Ward
Show us your new, unpublished project and get featured in FotoFirst!
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