© Lorenzö / #FotoRoomOPEN | OSTKREUZ Single Image Shortlist
© Kirsten Thys van den Audenaerde / #FotoRoomOPEN | OSTKREUZ Single Image Shortlist
© Arianna Sanesi / #FotoRoomOPEN | OSTKREUZ Single Image Shortlist
© UrszulaTarasiewicz / #FotoRoomOPEN | OSTKREUZ Single Image Shortlist
© Stefan Bladh / #FotoRoomOPEN | OSTKREUZ Single Image Shortlist
© Julie Hrudova / #FotoRoomOPEN | OSTKREUZ Single Image Shortlist
© Marcus Glahn / #FotoRoomOPEN | OSTKREUZ Single Image Shortlist
© Christian Delfino / #FotoRoomOPEN | OSTKREUZ Single Image Shortlist
© Ana Cayuela Munoz / #FotoRoomOPEN | OSTKREUZ Single Image Shortlist
© Sonia Marin / #FotoRoomOPEN | OSTKREUZ Single Image Shortlist
© Luka Lukasiak / #FotoRoomOPEN | OSTKREUZ Single Image Shortlist
© Diego Brambilla / #FotoRoomOPEN | OSTKREUZ Single Image Shortlist
© Marco Panzetti / #FotoRoomOPEN | OSTKREUZ Single Image Shortlist
© Kristina Syrchikova / #FotoRoomOPEN | OSTKREUZ Single Image Shortlist
© Michael Wickham / #FotoRoomOPEN | OSTKREUZ Single Image Shortlist
© Michèle Yves Pauty / #FotoRoomOPEN | OSTKREUZ Single Image Shortlist

After celebrating Qian Zhao as the winner of #FotoRoomOPEN | Rubber Factory edition last week, it’s time to announce the winners of the most recently closed #FotoRoomOPEN edition juried by Germany’s top photographers-run agency, OSTKREUZ. The agency’s team have selected an image by Indian photographer Prarthna Singh as the Best Single Image submitted to the call. Congratulations, Prarthna!  (We will announce the Series winner tomorrow. By the way: we’re now accepting submissions for #FotoRoomOPEN | Format edition! This time there’s a $1,000 award up for grabs).

As usual, we as FotoRoom have made a selection of favorite submissions that you can view along with the winning image by launching the gallery in this article. Below is the list of photographers who have shot the images (turn on the captions in the gallery for credits of each individual image).

Stefan Bladh
Diego Brambilla
Ana Cayuela Munoz
Christian Delfino
Marcus Glahn
Julie Hrudova
Luka Lukasiak
Sonia Marin
Marco Panzetti
Michèle Yves Pauty
Arianna Sanesi
Prarthna Singh
Kristina Syrchikova
— Urszula Tarasiewicz
Kirsten Thys van den Audenaerde
Michael Wickham

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