10 Favorite Projects We’ve Featured on FotoRoom in 2018
In 2018 we were lucky to have featured many talented photographers who were happy to share their works on FotoRoom, in some cases for the first time publicly as part of our FotoFirst section. This list presents (in no particular order) a group of projects we particularly loved, but we’d like to take the opportunity to thank all the photographers who contributed their work to FotoRoom this year. We look forward to another year of quality contemporary photography projects!

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Karolina Gembara’s Photographs Symbolize the Discomfort of Living as an Expat

Robert Darch Responds to Brexit with New, Bleak Series The Island

Enter FotoRoomOPEN for a Chance of Being Represented by All-Female Photography Agency ACN

FotoCal — Photography Awards, Grants and Open Calls Closing in February 2020

Themes of Family, History and Colonialism Blend in Drew Leventhal’s Series ‘Yosh’

The Model Family — Tealia Ellis Ritter Shares Images from her Very Unique Family Album

Precious Things — Anabela Pinto Stages Our Complicated Relationship with Technology