After releasing a list of the 10 most seen series on FotoRoom in 2019, and one of FotoRoom’s 10 own favorite series of all those we published this year, it’s time to take a second look at 10 favorite photographic projects that premiered in FotoFirst. If you don’t know, FotoFirst is a special FotoRoom segment reserved to projects that haven’t been published anywhere before, and are therefore featured in FotoRoom for the first time. (Do you have a series of images that hasn’t been published yet? Feel free to show it to us and it too may premiere in FotoFirst!)

Night Never Ends in Me by Simone D’Angelo

Night Never Ends in Me © Simone D'Angelo

From 1968 to 1985, eight couples were killed in the countryside around Florence, Italy. That crime story, which went down to history as the story of the Monster of Florence, greatly impressed the Italian population: it was the country’s first official case of a serial killer. In his project Night Never Ends in Me, Italian photographer Simone D’Angelo interprets the story of the Monster using landscape photographs, archival documents and still lifes.

Was Soll Man?/What Should One Do? by Marcus Glahn

Was Soll Man?/What Should One Do? © Marcus Glahn

The Transylvanian Saxons are a German-speaking minority group based in Romania. After the fall of the Iron Curtain, about 95% of them moved to East Germany: German photographer Marcus Glahn captures the daily life of those who stayed in Romania in his series Was Soll Man?/What Should One Do?

The Days with Zhiyu by Alex Huanfa Cheng

The Days with Zhiyu © Alex Huanfa Cheng

Chinese photographer Alex Huanfa Cheng and his partner Zhiyu have been lovers since 2012. Since early on in their relationship, Alex has been taking tender and intimate pictures of Zhiyu in times of both happiness and sadness.

N by Iacopo Pasqui

N © Iacopo Pasqui

Being in your thirties and living in the province can be daunting if you don’t like the small town lifestyle, yet it’s not always possible to pack your stuff and move to the city. Italian photographer Iacopo Pasqui‘s black and white series N explores this condition of feeling stuck.

Alvine Road by Shaun Pierson

Alvine Road © Shaun Pierson

For his series Alvine Road, American photographer Shaun Pierson turned his lens on his family members, a process that proved helpful for Shaun to come to terms with his tumultuous childhood and to repair broken relationships with some of his closest relatives.

The Shape of Self by Alessio Maximilian Schroder

The Shape of Self © Alessio Maximilian Schroeder

The Shape of Self by Italian photographer Alessio Maximilian Schroder is a series of staged portraits of Indian hijras, transgenders and transsexuals, who often face prejudice and discrimination, that Alessio photographed in the intimacy of their homes.

The Hands That Built This City by Polly Tootal

The Hands That Built This City © Polly Tootal

Dubai has become the hyper-modern, luxurious city it is today in a relatively short span of time, largely thanks to the underpaid work of thousands of immigrant workers who live in labor camps on the outskirts of Dubai. In The Hands That Built This City, British photographer Polly Tootal documents the laborers’ living conditions in these camps, and the affectionate relationships they develop between each other.

Forget Them by Olessia Venediktova

Forget Them © Olessia Venediktova

Forget Them by Russian photographer Olessia Venediktova is a series of portraits of people who lived before the Soviet Union collapsed, photographed in their own homes. The images are remarkable as they capture how not only time appears to have stopped at the Soviet Era inside these houses, but also that the people who inhabit them seem to seamlessly blend with the vintage furniture and faded wallpaper.

Por Aquì Todo Bien by Federico Vespignani

Por Aquí Todo Bien © Federico Vespignani

For Por Aquì Todo Bien, Italian photographer Federico Vespignani joined and followed the 18th Street Gang, one of the many youth gangs operating in Honduras, and more precisely in San Pedro Sula, a city sadly renowned for being one of the world’s most violent.

So Long and Thanks for All The Fish by Tianxi Wang

So Long and Thanks for All the Fish © Tianxi Wang

After living in the USA for a while, Chinese photographer Tianxi Wang had to abruptly return to China due to his visa being terminated. He settled in the city of Tianjin, where he took solace from a time of distress by photographing the waters of the Hai river, and the people who go to the river to swim and catch fish.

Be sure to also check out our lists of 10 most seen series on FotoRoom and of FotoRoom’s 10 favorite series in 2019.

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