© Alexander Rudakov© Alexander Rudakov

Every week, we select ten links to photography features that we liked the best over the previous seven days. Subscribe to our weekly newsletter to receive #fotoweb in your email inbox. And maybe you want to suggest a link in the upcoming weeks? Include the #fotoweb hashtag in a tweet – we’ll keep track of it.

See all previous episodes in the #fotoweb series here.


Photographer Alexander Rudakov thinks Moscow is a city that damages. The images he took to capture the city’s ‘claustrophobic atmosphere’ got accidentally damaged themselves – but this only added to the project’s meaning. Via Phases.

Tragedy on Mount Sinjar
Magnum photographer Moises Saman‘s heart-breaking photo essay of the Yezidis’s escape to Mount Sinjar, caused by the Islamic State’s intolerable fury. Via Time’s Lightbox.

Photographer Aneta Baros made a tender portrayal of his father, a former bodybuilder which she defines a ‘gentle giant’. Via L’Oeil de la Photographie.

Kensington Blues
Powerful photographs by Jeffrey Stockbridge of a neighborhood in Philadelphia plagued by poverty, drug abuse and prostitution. Via Lenscratch.

Party People on the Streets of Blackpool
Engaged? Consider having your bachelor / bachelorette party in Blackpool, an Irish town that has become famous for its wild, shameless party aniamls. Photographs by Dougie Wallace, via NYT’s Lens.

Gregory Halpern’s “In-Progress Work from California” 
Captivating preview images by talented Gregory Halpern‘s of an upcoming book of photographs of life in California. Via Juxtapoz.

Liz Calvi Photographs America’s Generation of ‘Lost Boys’
“These boys have had a delayed progression into adulthood. They range in age between 18 to 26 and live in their parents homes in one of many northeastern American suburbs. Having completed university but lacking any real job prospects, their futures are uncertain.” Via Featureshoot.

Powerful Series Confronts Anti-LGBT Violence in Russia
Harrowing portraits of bruised and beat gays and lesbians victims of the increasing rate of crimes against the LGBT community in Russia. By Jamo Best via Featureshoot.

The Pink and Blue Project by JeongMee Yoon
Pink is for girls, and blue is for boys, right? Via Ignant.

Japanese Photography
New online exhibition on the Photographic Museum of Humanity. The exhibition presents compelling work by five emerging Japanese photographers.

© Anais Boileau© Anais Boileau

And from Fotografia Magazine…

Retired and Loving it – Funny Portraits of Elderly Women Bathing in the Sun

Look ma, no Instagram! Colorful Polaroids Taken in 1998 Show a Dreamlike Sao Paulo 

Haunting Portraits of Sickly Individuals Test Our Ability to Judge Beauty

Iceland’s Deep Blue Water Streams in Jonathan Smith’s New Work

Are These Berliners, too?

Fukushima’s Residents Are in Fear that the Government Is Lying to Them

Erotic Friday #3 – Giangiacomo Pepe


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