Simone Rosenbauer’s Delicious Photographs of Melting Ice Cream

Hello there. Your name?
Simone Rosenbauer.
How old are you?
I’m 38.
Where are your from?
I’m from a small town in Southern Germany and have been living in Sydney for nine years.
What is photography?
Photography is magic – I’m totally in love with it!
What is Like Ice in the Sunshine about?
Like Ice in the Sunshine filters the views of the self, fleeting moments and chequered memories. It captures moments loved and lost, to dwell on ephemeral experiences and to chart the strength – and frailty – of changing identities. Leaving the natural sun to shape a mix of perennially loved paddle pops, ice becomes liquid, pooling around the melting whole. Colours merge, others separate, some creep away from their host; flaking, sloughing, gently seeping – each and everybody tells a different tale. As bold, quintessentially summertime and elegant the images are, they nevertheless capture a melancholic reality: bitter or sweet, all memories eventually melt into the flow of life.
Where can you be found online?
This is my site.
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