#FotoWeb – Ten Best Photography Links You Shouldn’t Have Missed Last Week (16 – 22 February)

Clones, Putin fans, Irish travellers and much more in #fotoweb, our usual collection of best photography links from the previous week.
Every week, we select ten of our favorite links to photographic series published on the web over the previous seven days. We call it #fotoweb.
Subscribe to our newsletter to receive #fotoweb in your email inbox, or see the previous episodes in the #fotoweb series here.
Bence Bakoniy is an up and coming photographic artist specialized in extraniating, overexposed images of groups of people enjoying their free time. Via Ain’t Bad Magazine.
© Bence Bakonyi
Ireland: the Travellers
Photographer Birte Kaufmann has followed a nomadic group which represents Ireland’s largest minority group. Via L’Oeil de la Photographie.
© Birte Kaufmann
In Transit
After moving from Madrid to San Francisco, Carlos Chavarria started photographing stairs and other elements as symbols of his period of transition. Wonderful colors at work here. Via Phases.
© Carlos Chavarria
Imagining a World Filled with Clones
And what if there was a thousand other yous? Trippy photos by Daisuke Takakura. Via Slate.
© Daisuke Takakura
Apart Together
As migration becomes a more and more pressing issue of modern days, photographer Ines Dumig approached the theme in a very unique way, exploring the sense of isolation of a migrant woman. Beautiful work. Via EMAHO.
© Inis Dumig
Fan Club Putin
C’mon girls, seriously? Putin? Photos by Bela Doka. Via LensCulture.
© Bela Doka
Odd Sympathy
Alana Celii introduces elements of mystery and eeriness in domestic environments to symbolize how uncomfortable home can be sometimes. Via Lenscratch.
© Alana Celii
10 Extreme Close-Up Photos of Everyday Objects
Things that stand for… how do we put this… other things. Made by Peter Kaaden. Via Raw File.
© Peter Kaaden
Love Has to Be Reinvented
“I know your deepest secret fear. And you know my deepest secret fear: egoism. Life is the movie directed by the universe“. A series by Piotr Zbierski. Via Der Greif.
© Piotr Zbierski
Nine Argentinian Photographers You Need to Follow
The title is a bit misleading – it seems to imply “follow on social media”, but it’s more like “nine photographers you need to know”. At any rate, it’s a great list and worth a look. Via Lightbox.
© Alejandro Chaskielberg
And last week was #EscapeWeek on Fotografia Magazine:
- Announcing #EscapeWeek
- Living nomadically to abide by ancient Native American principles
- Modernity? No, thank you: we are Mennonites
- Looking for a different life on the mountains of Europe
- Valley of Angels
- Environmentally conscious, politically active, frequently naked: meet Europe’s rewilders
- Alone in the woods: photos of Russian and Ukrainian hermits
- Not all that shines is gold in the countryside
Keep looking...

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