The Edge © Philip Cheung
The Edge © Philip Cheung
The Edge © Philip Cheung
The Edge © Philip Cheung
The Edge © Philip Cheung
The Edge © Philip Cheung
The Edge © Philip Cheung
The Edge © Philip Cheung
The Edge © Philip Cheung
The Edge © Philip Cheung

For today’s Cameo we’re having 38 year-old Canadian photographer Philip Cheung. In his long-term project The Edge, Philip explores the new landscapes of the United Arab Emirates, where heavily urbanized environments are rising in the middle of the desert.

Ciao Philip, how are you?
I’m doing great, thank you for featuring my work on FotoRoom.

What is photography for you?
Photography for me is a process of constructing, interpreting, communicating a narrative, and of creating a representation of reality through my own artistic sensibility.

What is The Edge about?
The Edge is a study of a coastal nation, the United Arab Emirates. It was a long-term project that I started in 2014. The series examines the complex dynamic between nature and human ambition, and the tension between the two. My photographs do not intend to serve as a straightforward documentary to represent the ‘truth’; instead, the work searches for a nuanced and estranged perspective.

Where can you be found online?
At my site and on Instagram.

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