Necrofilia © Toni Amengual
Necrofilia I © Toni Amengual
Necrofilia © Toni Amengual
Necrofilia © Toni Amengual
Necrofilia © Toni Amengual
Necrofilia © Toni Amengual
Necrofilia © Toni Amengual
Necrofilia I © Toni Amengual
Necrofilia © Toni Amengual
Necrofilia © Toni Amengual
Necrofilia © Toni Amengual
Necrofilia © Toni Amengual
Necrofilia © Toni Amengual
Necrofilia © Toni Amengual
Necrofilia © Toni Amengual
Necrofilia © Toni Amengual
Necrofilia © Toni Amengual
Necrofilia © Toni Amengual

Sad cangaroos, tormented chimpanzees, bummed bears, lonely giraffes and more: these are the subjects of Necrofilia I, a photographic series by Spanish photographer Toni Amengual.

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