Sylvia's Place © Jeppe Boje Nielsen
Sylvia's Place © Jeppe Boje Nielsen
Sylvia's Place © Jeppe Boje Nielsen
Sylvia's Place © Jeppe Boje Nielsen
Sylvia's Place © Jeppe Boje Nielsen
Sylvia's Place © Jeppe Boje Nielsen
Sylvia's Place © Jeppe Boje Nielsen
Sylvia's Place © Jeppe Boje Nielsen
Sylvia's Place © Jeppe Boje Nielsen
Sylvia's Place © Jeppe Boje Nielsen
Sylvia's Place © Jeppe Boje Nielsen
Sylvia's Place © Jeppe Boje Nielsen
Sylvia's Place © Jeppe Boje Nielsen
Sylvia's Place © Jeppe Boje Nielsen
Sylvia's Place © Jeppe Boje Nielsen
Sylvia's Place © Jeppe Boje Nielsen

The good news is that these days many young gays and lesbians gather the courage to come out at an earlier age than they used to only a few years back; the bad news is that many parents still do not accept the idea of having a gay child, and take the very bad decision of kicking them out of their house.

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Photo Mark Fitton

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