A ten year-old trauma and a book of suffocating photos - it's Cyril Costilhes' Grand Circle Diego, considered as one of the best photobooks of 2014."/> A Ten Year-Old Trauma and a Book of Suffocating Photos: Cyril Costilhes' Grand Circle Diego | FotoRoom - Part 16
Grand Circle Diego © Cyril Costilhes
Grand Circle Diego © Cyril Costilhes
Grand Circle Diego © Cyril Costilhes
Grand Circle Diego © Cyril Costilhes
Grand Circle Diego © Cyril Costilhes
Grand Circle Diego © Cyril Costilhes
Grand Circle Diego © Cyril Costilhes
Grand Circle Diego © Cyril Costilhes
Grand Circle Diego © Cyril Costilhes
Grand Circle Diego © Cyril Costilhes
Grand Circle Diego © Cyril Costilhes
Grand Circle Diego © Cyril Costilhes
Grand Circle Diego © Cyril Costilhes
Grand Circle Diego © Cyril Costilhes
Grand Circle Diego © Cyril Costilhes
Grand Circle Diego © Cyril Costilhes
Grand Circle Diego © Cyril Costilhes

In 2003, the father of French photographer Cyril Costilhes was riding back home on his motorbike from the Le Grand Cercle Diego casino in the town of Diego Suarez, Madagascar, when he was involved in an accident. It was a bad accident—Cyril’s father has been suffering from a severe front lobe dementia ever since.

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