#FotoWeb – Ten Best Photography Links You Shouldn’t Have Missed Last Week (19 – 25 January)

Every week, we select ten of our favorite links to photographic series published on the web over the previous seven days. We call it #fotoweb.
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Hiroshi Sugimoto’s Full Feature Exposures
Best-known for his seascapes, master of Japanese photography Hiroshi Sugimoto has also shot a series of movie theaters using only the available light from the screen and long exposures. Via Juxtapoz.
© Hiroshi Sugimoto
Where the River Bends
Only divided by a bridge, the cities of Juaréz, Mexico and El Paso, Texas are however very different. Great photos from one side and the other of the US Southern border by Scott Dalton. Via Lenscratch.
© Scott Dalton
The Most Ancient and Magnificent Trees from Around the World
Some of the trees photographed by Beth Moon are no less than 1,5000 years old. Via Wired.
© Beth Moon
Coming of Age in 21st Century Russia
A long and quite unique photo essay by Sonya Kydeeva about being a teenage boy in modern Russia. Via Dazed.
© Sonya Kydeeva
Mean Streets
As Alexis Tsipras and his Syriza party marched towards sweeping the elections in Greece, photographer Georgios Makkas has been photographing the shopfronts of small businesses that had to close due to the country’s profound economic crisis. Via The British Journal of Photography.
© Georgios Makkas
Q&A: Kristine Potter
Beautiful low-contrast black&white images by Kristine Potter about men living in the wild of the American West mountains. Via The Heavy Collective.
© Kristine Potter
Weegee’s Classic Photos of New York City Moviegoers in the 1940s
Hurray for Weegee! Via Slate.
© Weegee
Curtis Hamilton
Formalist, mundane, black&white, awesome: photography by Curtis Hamilton. Via YET.
© Curtis Hamilton
Danseur: Portraits of Masculinity
Talented photographer Amy Elkins explores and challenges notions of masculinity portraying young male ballet dancers. Via LensCulture.
© Amy Elkins
Principia Dynamica
Could Isaac Newton’s principles of dynamics be used to explain why different societies develop at different rates? Photographs by Marek Wykowky. Via Thisispaper.
© Marek Wykowky
And these are updates from last week on Fotografia Magazine:
Keep looking...

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Desperado — Hannah Nikkelson Pours Her Anxieties Into Images

FotoFirst — Harry Flook Explores the (Non-)Religious Landscapes of America’s ‘Bible Belt’

The Flowers of Kosmet — Emanuele Occhipinti Shows Us the Conditions of the Serb Minority in Kosovo

Julia De Cooker Photographs the Unexpectedly Modern Life in the Svalbard Archipelago