Fotografia‘s most seen post last month was Human Dilatations, a series of portraits by Swiss photographer Roger Weiss which transforms the women who pose for the photographer in dilated, inflated bodies as a critique to the current standards of female beauty.

Second most seen was Polish photographer Lola Paprocka‘s mix of portraits and landscape photography to capture the new face of Belgrade, Serbia’s capital city. Spanish photographer Gloria Oyarzabal comes in third with Ophelia, a set of self-portraits for which Gloria poses naked in several different environments to impersonate the well-known character from Shakespeare’s tragedy Hamlet. Fourth in this top five we find American photographer Stephen Speranza with Wilmerding, a long-term project that documents life in a declining American town. The last position sees Indian photographer Soham Gupta with his harrowing portraits of Kolkata’s poorest.

Take a second look at last month’s five most seen posts, and see here for the most seen lists of earlier months. and sign up to our weekly newsletter to make sure you don’t miss one bit of our content!

Human Dilatations © Roger Weiss
Human Dilatations – Roger Weiss Creates Mind-Blowing Portraits of Dilated Female Bodies
Blokovi © Lola Paprocka
FotoFirst – Lola Paprocka Shoots New Belgrade’s People and Brutalist Architecture
Ophelia © Gloria Oyarzabal
Gloria Oyarzabal Impersonates Ophelia in Nude Self-Portraits Series
Wilmerding © Stephen Speranza
Where Is the American Dream? Stephen Speranza Documents Life in a Declining Small Town
Angst © Soham Gupta
Angst – Soham Gupta Shows Us the Faces of Kolkata’s Poorest

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Photo Roger Weiss

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