Peter Holliday is a photography student currently in his final year as a Communication Design student at the Glasgow School of Art. In his photo essay Where the Land Rises - which premieres today on Fotografia - Peter explores the relationship between men and an environment in constant evolution like that of Heimaey, a small island whose landscape was deeply transformed by an eruption occurred in 1973." >Peter Holliday is a photography student currently in his final year as a Communication Design student at the Glasgow School of Art. In his photo essay Where the Land Rises - which premieres today on Fotografia - Peter explores the relationship between men and an environment in constant evolution like that of Heimaey, a small island whose landscape was deeply transformed by an eruption occurred in 1973." >Take a look at Peter Holliday's beautiful photo essay about a small island in Iceland whose landscape was forever altered by a six-month long eruption in 1973."/> Heimaey, the Island Forever Changed by a Six-Month Long Eruption | FotoRoom - Part 35
Where the Land Rises © Peter Holliday
Where the Land Rises © Peter Holliday
Where the Land Rises © Peter Holliday
Where the Land Rises © Peter Holliday
Where the Land Rises © Peter Holliday
Where the Land Rises © Peter Holliday
Where the Land Rises © Peter Holliday
Where the Land Rises © Peter Holliday
Where the Land Rises © Peter Holliday
Where the Land Rises © Peter Holliday
Where the Land Rises © Peter Holliday
Where the Land Rises © Peter Holliday
Where the Land Rises © Peter Holliday
Where the Land Rises © Peter Holliday
Where the Land Rises © Peter Holliday
Where the Land Rises © Peter Holliday
Where the Land Rises © Peter Holliday
Where the Land Rises © Peter Holliday
Where the Land Rises © Peter Holliday
Where the Land Rises © Peter Holliday

Peter Holliday is a photography student currently in his final year as a Communication Design student at the Glasgow School of Art. In his photo essay Where the Land Rises – which premieres today on Fotografia – Peter explores the relationship between men and an environment in constant evolution like that of Heimaey, a small island whose landscape was deeply transformed by an eruption occurred in 1973.

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Photo Julien Lombardi

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