Escape © Danila Tkachenko

Escape © Danila TkachenkoEscape © Danila Tkhachenko

Every week, we select ten links to photography features that we liked the best over the previous seven days. Subscribe to our weekly newsletter to receive #fotoweb in your email inbox. Or maybe you want to suggest a link in the upcoming weeks? Include the #fotoweb hashtag in a tweet – we’ll keep track of it.

See all previous episodes in the #fotoweb series here.


Photographer Danila Tkachenko documents the life of hermits living isolated in forests across Russia and Ukraine. Via Lensculture.

Photos of Teenagers Going Nuts in Mosh Pits
Is there anything scarier for an adult than being in a crowd of crazy teenagers dancing wildly at a party? Photographer Emily Stein faced the fear and survived to show her photos of the experience. Via It’s Nice That.

The San Francisco Streets as Seen by Troy Holden
We need more street photography done right such as that of Troy Holden. Via Juxtapoz.

Built on Their Backs
A black&white documentary photo essay of underpaid workers of a brick factory in Burma. Photographs by Andre Maierba, via Fotovisura.

Lisa Elmaleh’s Lyrical Tintypes from Appalachia
For tintype lovers. Via National Geographic.

From the ‘Poodle Club’ to the ‘BDSM Regular’s Table’: Hilarious Portraits of Hobbyists in Their Element
Do you know those publicity images for tv shows where the entire cast poses on the set? These images by Ursula Sprecher and Andi Cortellini look kinda like that.

Robben Island: Nelson Mandela’s Prison Home
Moving images by Koto Bolofo of the South African prison where Nelson Mandela was incarcerated for 18 years. Via Time’s Lightbox.

Our Beautiful Planet: Images from Space by an Astronaut Photographer
Awesome photography can be about the accomplishment of taking photographs that only few can, and you hardly beat gorgeous images taken in outer space from aboard the International Space Station. Right, European Space Agency Astronaut Paolo Nespoli? Via Time’s Lightbox.

When Morning Comes
A look at the life of the black community in the Mississippi Delta by photographer Brandon Thibodeaux. Via Ain’t Bad Magazine.

A different take on isolated individuals throughout Europe’s woods by Antoine Bruy. Via Lenscratch.

And on Fotografia Magazine:

Announcing Elvis Week!

We Are Leeds, a photobook to homage the legendary 1970s Leeds United football team

Mind-bending aerial photographs of coal mines, beaches, harbours and snowy landscapes

Performance artists pose for a portrait right after the end of their shows

Joris Vandecatseye – Stamp of the Week #3

Intense, dreamlike snapshots of Brazil

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