Photos by Memymom
The Umbilical Vein — Mother and Daughter Share Their Playful Photographs from the 1990s

The Umbilical Vein is the name of a peculiar collection of pictures from the personal archive of Marilène Coolens and Lisa de Boeck, a Belgian mother and daughter artist duo that goes by the name Memymom.
The images were taken between 1990 and 2003, and show a young Lisa photographed by her mother while acting like an adult woman, as many young girls do.
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FotoCal — Photography Awards, Grants and Open Calls Closing in December 2019

Francesco Merlini Wins the Series Category of Void x #FotoRoomOPEN

The Baby Tooth Isn’t Loose — Brendon Kahn Captures the Fault Lines in Human Nature

FotoFirst — Simone D’Angelo Interprets the Story of the Monster of Florence, Italy’s First Serial Killer

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Julie Calbert Manipulates Her Images to Experiment with the Photographic Process

Tayla Corney Photographs Philippe, a Man Suffering from Depression