Ten Best #FotoMobile Submissions Vol. 31
Submission by Michael Gaillard

Submission by Eric Tearle

Submission by Ali Cherkis

Submission by Helena Ganjalyan

Submission by Eugene Ivanov

Submission by Tania Cunha

Submission by Susan Bacic

Submission by Piero Percoco

Submission by @tiidlywincs

Submission by Jaime Permuth

BONUS – Video submission by Scott Cutler
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Ten Best #FotoMobile Submissions Vol. 44

Unspeaking Likeness — Arne Svenson Portrays the Sculpted Faces of Unidentified Corpses

FotoWeb – This Week’s Ten Best Photography Links

Transparency Is the New Mystery — Mayumi Hosokura’s Latest, Mesmerizing Work

FotoCal – Photography Awards, Grants and Open Calls Closing in June 2016

FotoFirst — Attila Floszmann Uses Google Earth to Create Unexpectedly Beautiful Landscapes

Fotografia’s Five Most Seen Posts of May 2016