Mario Pucic Shoots No Monuments While Traveling

When you come back from a vacation, you will likely find photographs of the best-known monuments and landmarks of the place you visited among the countless pictures you probably shot. Maybe you’ve been to Rome – there goes a photo of the Coliseum; or maybe you’ve been to San Francisco for the first time in your life – here’s a shot of the Golden Gate Bridge.
Upon returning from one of his travels, 30 year-old Croatian photographer Mario Pucic noticed that none of the photographs he had taken showed any famous monuments or sights. Instead, the images depicted unremarkable scenes that had however, for one reason or another, grabbed his attention and compelled him to shoot. This realization spurred Mario to initiate No Monuments While Traveling, a long-term project with which he intends to “emphasize the importance of small things in life”.
Mario’s #threewordsforphotography are Productivity. Liberation. Security.
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