Mystery, Magic, Mother — Lindsay D’Addato Finds Her Utopia on the Mountains

When we saw the series Mystery, Magic, Mother by New York based photographer Lindsay D’Addato, we felt an irresistible urge to pack some clothes, ditch everything and move to those mountains.
These images are not just about the spellbinding landscapes—Lindsay succeeded in constructing an idyllic world where it seems possible to live in absolute harmony with nature, far away from the stress of modern life (the salaryman knows what we’re talking about).
“I believe there is an inescapable longing that lives within those who envision paradise. Through this work, I explore the self- conscious idealism uniting those in search of a utopia. Because of its ineffable nature, I strive to illustrate the visual manifestation of enlightenment in the physical world. (…) Zigzagging across the fringe of wilderness, I am fascinated by the ways in which nature’s primal magnetism continually pulls us physically and emotionally to the wild. Both inspired and frustrated by my personal quest for lucidity, my work highlights the surreal and phenomenal reality of the dreamer.”
— Lindsay D’Addato
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