#FotoWeb – This Week’s Ten Best Photography Links

#FotoWeb is our guide to the best of photography on the web. At the end of every week, we select the ten photo essays we liked the best from those published across our favorite online photography sites during that week.
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Change of Course
A very beautiful, light-inundated photo essay by Prasit Sthapit about Susta, a small village in Nepal whose existence is threatened by the effects of climate change. Via LensCulture.

The Portraits in This Book Are Only Visible When You Hold It in Your Hands
A heart-breaking story – Chinese blind children abandoned by their parents to comply with the county’s one-child policy, – a brilliant book design idea and a Kickstarter campaign to support it. It all starts with Carina Hesper‘s portraits. Via Vantage.

A compelling set of portraits of convicted women by Elena Anosova. Via Juxtapoz.

This Photographer Has Sex and Takes Drugs with Her Subjects
These photographs by Stacy Kranitz are really remarkable in how they expose a deprived community based in the Appalachia region of the USA. Via Dazed.

These Days I Feel Like a Snail Without a Shell
This series by Paolo Morales is “fueled by a preoccupation with physical touch as a sign of intimacy, affection, and support”. Via Ain’t Bad Magazine.

Getting Lost
Delaney Allen mixes landscape photographs, still lifes and scanned letters to grapple with themes of death and loss. Via Thisispaper.

Fydor Telkov‘s eerie, monochrome images investigate the spiritual origins of the mountainous Ural region. Via The Calvert Journal.

Military Commissariat
Two sets of twins to creatively represent the division of Ukraine’s territory after Russia’s attacks. A work by Sergey Melnitchenko. Via GUP.

Annabel Oosteweeghel photographed the empty rooms in 1960s houses whose owners are now passed away. Via YET.

Wild Chairs
Chairs in the wild surveyed by Kate Taraskina. Via Another Place.

And here’s a few highlights from our own posts of this week:
A Father and Daughter’s Adventures into the Wild

What It Means to Be Asian and Gay in the Western World

Back to Hunan – Ke Peng Explores the Places She Was Born In, and Left So Early

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