Eastern Summer
Newlyweds 001

Closed cities, found photographs, Las Vegas and much more in this week’s #FotoWeb.

Every week, we select ten of our favorite links to photographic series published on the web over the previous seven days. We call it #FotoWeb.

Sign up to our weekly newsletter to receive #FotoWeb in your email inbox, or see the previous episodes in the #FotoWeb series here.


The Wall – 7, 16, 45

These fictional photos by Sergey Novikov are inspired by the reality of Russia’s 42 closed cities, born at the the time of the USSR and still mostly inaccessible today. Via YET.


Eastern Summer

A truly beautiful essay of photos that Jonathan May shot across Ukraine in the summer of 2011. Via Il Post.

Eastern Summer

A Glorious Victory

The result of a collaborative project between Brian Ulrich, Stanley Wolukau-Wanambwa, Susan Lipper and Shane Rocheleau, A Glorious Victory explores “the relationship of history, power, and freedom as it is evidenced in the people and landscape of Petersburg, VA”. Via Lenscratch.

Newlyweds 001

The Hidden De Facto Photo Gallery Scene of Las Vegas

Few but fantastic old images of life in Las Vegas from the Las Vegas News Bureau archive. Via American Photo.


Un Atre Jeu

Benoit Lusiére has pasted his face into found, vernacular photographs. We love works that play with photography like this. Via GUP.


Rear Window

Enchanting photos of illuminated rear windows taken by Jordi Huisman in different parts of the world. Via Another Place.


Chris Round

Some darn good landscape photography by Chris Round. Via Booooooom.


Baths of Budapest

Here is how they beat the hot weather in Budapest. Photographs by Baker. Via Ain’t Bad Magazine.


Our Good Old Moon Gets a Dash of Fantastic Color

Tom Turner “alters images from NASA and the European Space Agency to highlight the moon’s phases, its movement through time and space”. Via Wired.


In Between

When you look at them the first time, Frédérick Carnet‘s images of unremarkable landscapes from Iceland leave you puzzled at what the point is. Then, you find out he imagined these as potential crime scenes… Via Phases.



And here’s a few highlights from our own posts of last week: 

Ten Best #FotoMobile Submissions / Vol. 2

#FotoMobile - Celebrating mobile photography

On His Own – Pawel Franik Invites Us to Spend Time by Ourselves


Backwoods – Following the Traces of a Fictional Hermit

Backwoods © Jordan Madge

Ten Photographers You Should Follow on Tumblr / Vol. 7

(Photo Andrew Lyman)



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Photo Wiktoria Wojciechowska

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