Truth and Consequences © Thomas Chéné© Thomas Chéné

Every week, we select ten links to photography series that we liked the best over the previous seven days. Subscribe to our newsletter to receive #fotoweb in your email inbox!

See all previous episodes in the #fotoweb series here.


Mai Domo
Photographer Andrea Roversi spent two years documenting over twenty MMA (mixed martial arts) events. The result is a very personal body of work with a strong cinematic feel. Via Ain’t Bad Magazine.

Time Picks the Best Photobooks of 2014
Photobook lover? Here’s one of the earliest lists of this year’s best photobooks.

Blizzard Day / Calm Sea
Japanese photographer Takahiro Yamashita captures his native town of Iwanai, on the island of Hokkaido, in a melancholic but fascinating photo essay.

Outside In: 25 Foreign Photographers Shooting the Post-Soviet World
An excellent selection of 25 international, talented photographers who have dedicated their work, in one way or another, to the post-Soviet world. The list includes Davide Monteleone, Claudine Doury, Jacobe Aue Sobol, and more. Via The Calvert Journal.

10 National  Geographic Photographers Give Thanks for the Photos That Changed Them
Top documentary photographers like John Stanmeyer and Stephanie Sinclair share the story behind images that were particularly significant in their life and career. Via Proof.

Truth and Consequences
Beautiful work by Thomas Chené about a scarcely inhabited rural center in the USA “on the verge of becoming a ghost town”. Via Juxtapoz.

Untitled Happiness
Tjorven Bruyneel‘s series Untitled Happiness examines the effects of years of Apartheid and racism on today’s life in Johannesburg. Via Paper Journal.

Everything Will Be Ok
We all go through a bad phase sooner or later in our life. Photographer Alberto Lizaralde (we featured him in this list of photographers to follow on Tumblr) did too, but he made a photobook out of it. Via EMAHO Magazine.

The Constellations of Winter
Love the color palette and atmosphere in these short series by Wouter Le Duc. Via Thisispaper.

New Works by Brock Davis
Do you guys wash your hair down the drain when you trim your beard? Try to turn it into the face of a bear like Brock Davis did. Via Ignant.

Seven grey, decadent images that perfectly match the title of Yoshi Kametani‘s series Indolence. Via Der Greif.


And these were last week’s features on Fotografia Magazine:


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