Carla Liesching's project The Swimmers reflects on the theme of identity and how it is progressively disconnected from the idea of place, especially for younger generations."/> The Swimmers — Searching for Identity in a Globalized World | FotoRoom - Part 14
The Swimmers © Carla Liesching
The Swimmers © Carla Liesching
The Swimmers © Carla Liesching
The Swimmers © Carla Liesching
The Swimmers © Carla Liesching
The Swimmers © Carla Liesching
The Swimmers © Carla Liesching
The Swimmers © Carla Liesching
The Swimmers © Carla Liesching
The Swimmers © Carla Liesching
The Swimmers © Carla Liesching
The Swimmers © Carla Liesching
The Swimmers © Carla Liesching
The Swimmers © Carla Liesching
The Swimmers © Carla Liesching

Carla Liesching is a 30 year-old South Africa photographer currently based in New York. With her series The Swimmers, Carla reflects on the theme of identity and how this becomes progressively disconnected from the idea of place, especially for younger generations.

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