FotoWeb – This Week’s Five Best Photography Links

FotoWeb is your weekly guide to the best of photography on the web. This week we’re keeping our selection of the week’s best links down to five because we didn’t really find as many as ten links that we were happy to include. There may be a few reasons to explain this: the holidays have slowed down everyone’s work a bit (including ours); we’re publishing this FotoWeb five days (not seven) since the last one; this week some of the sites we usually feature have shared works we only recently published (like that of Matthieu Litt, Luca Tomboolini or Petros Koublis); and maybe, with all the good work we see, we’ve just become too picky!
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Rural Renaissance: Building a New Life in a Belarusian Agro-Town
Photos by Siarhej Leskiec. Via The Calvert Journal.

Words of Wisdom from a Sensitive Portraitist
Photos by Laura Pannack. Via Vantage.

Photos by Simon Crofts. Via Another Place.

Photos by Jewgeni Roppel. Via GUP.

Photos by Amanda Harman. Via Juxtapoz.

Here’s a few highlights from our own posts of this week:
FotoFirst – See China’s Brand-New, Empty Cities Waiting to Be Populated

Horsehead Nebula – On a Journey to the Breathtaking Landscapes of Faristan

Thomas Albdorf Deconstructs the Mountains of Austria

Keep looking...

Eve Tagny Wins the Single Image Category of #FotoRoomOPEN | Gnomic Book Edition

God Has No Favourites — Lauren Forster Documents Her Mother’s Struggle with Cancer

Olga Sokal Connects with the Segregated Roma Communities of Eastern Slovakia

Devil’s Promenade — Two Photographers Respond to the Rich Folklore of the Ozark Region

FotoFirst — Troy Colby Captures the Difficulty of Being a Father in Emotional Photos

A Seed in the Ocean — Stanley Bloom Captures the Endangered Beauty of the Madeira Island

FotoCal — Photography Awards, Grants and Open Calls Closing in November 2018