Luca Tombolini Wanders In the Desert Looking for the Origin of Life

Deserts are some of the most pristine regions of the Earth. Largely untouched by men (although there are exceptions), desert lands retain a primitiveness that give them a unique charm, fascinating and mysterious at the same time.
Photographer Luca Tombolini traveled to several deserts of the world and explored them as the place most likely to provide clues about the origin of life.
“My photographic research uses landscapes as a synecdoche to question Time, Space, Universe and our relation to them. This is an anthology of my series LS I, IV and V (2012-2014) on desertic landscapes. What attracts me to this kind of environment is its ability to tell us where we are coming from and its possible relation to other parts of Universe that existed or will exist in Time. That’s why I feel views in this series as reminders of possibilities of gates in our limited perception reality. Chances of linking the inner to the whole from which it generated.
Framing and composition rely on combination of symmetric shapes found inbetween natural patterns, which I unconsciously found myself to choose; possibly looking for a unifying and simple principle, lying beneath what we are part of.”
— Luca Tombolini
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