Macho Men, Topless Women and World-Class Freaks: Welcome To Barcelona’s Platja

Does Spain have its own Jersey Shore show yet? If it doesn’t, it should, and judging from Lluis Artus‘s series of photographs La Platja, castings should be made on Barcelona’s beach. In front of the camera, the most athletic guys proudly pump their muscles, topless girls smile amiably while showing their bare breasts, and A-list weirdos pose for the photographer, possibly unaware of their weirdness… All are, of course, gloriously tanned.
This is On the Beach week Day 3. Check out the fun portraits of unaware Lithuanian beach-goers we featured on Day 1, and the pictures of families vacationing in Piémanson, France from Day 2. Connect with us on Facebook and Twitter and sign up for our weekly newsletter to receive updates about the upcoming instalments in our On the Beach week!
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