Ten Best #FotoMobile Submissions Vol. 23
Submission by Antonio Maria Fantetti

Submission by Gergo Farkas

Submission by Antonio D’Agostino

Submission by Marta Wódz

Submission by Dimitri Bogachuk

Submission by Luís Leite

Submission by Thierry Kronental

Submission by @basarsat (video)
Submission by Arturo Mc Clean (video)
Submission by Nick Mahony

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Ten Best #FotoMobile Submissions Vol. 59

Youth Without Age, Life Without Death — Laura Pannack Makes Gorgeous Work Inspired by Balkan Folklore

The Politics of Sport — Christto & Andrew Channel the Importance of Sports Events in the Arabian Peninsula

Ilyes Griyeb Takes Striking Portraits of the Workers Harvesting Salt at the ‘Pink Lake’

Felix von der Osten Found Friendship in a Working-Class District Where Nobody Ever Goes

Ten Best #FotoMobile Submissions Vol. 58

Randhir Singh Archives the Unused Water Towers of Delhi as Evidences of the City’s Past