Rear Window © Jordi Huisman
Rear Window © Jordi Huisman
Rear Window © Jordi Huisman
Rear Window © Jordi Huisman
Rear Window © Jordi Huisman
Rear Window © Jordi Huisman
Rear Window © Jordi Huisman
Rear Window © Jordi Huisman
Rear Window © Jordi Huisman
Rear Window © Jordi Huisman
Rear Window © Jordi Huisman
Rear Window © Jordi Huisman
Rear Window © Jordi Huisman
Rear Window © Jordi Huisman
Rear Window © Jordi Huisman
Rear Window © Jordi Huisman
Rear Window © Jordi Huisman
Rear Window © Jordi Huisman
Rear Window © Jordi Huisman
Rear Window © Jordi Huisman

Ciao Jordi, how are you?
Ciao! I’m doing alright, very busy with work and a new house we just bought.

What is photography for you?
A way to get a grip on reality and time. Also, the best possible way I can think of to make a living.

What is Rear Window about?
It’s about the view of the rear of residential buildings. Ever since I started photographing and moved to a big city I was attracted to the architectural chaos you see on the rear of buildings. While most of the time the front of the buildings is much more organized and clean. I find this really fascinating, even without trying to look for an explanation for this phenomenon. I started the series in Amsterdam, but after a few years I expanded it to other capitals, since it seems to be a world wide thing.

Where can you be found online?
This is my site, and I’m on Instagram and Flickr.

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