© Laszlo-Tibor Olah — Human Environments
© Landon Speers — Human Environments
© Noritaka Minami — Human Environments
© Matt MacPake — Human Environments
© Bartłomiej Ponikiewski — Human Environments

Congratulations to photographer Laszlo-Tibor Olah! His image of an abandoned gas station in a foggy day was selected by Éanna de Fréine, the founder of indie publisher The Velvet Cell and juror of our Human Environments call, as the best entry in the Single Image category. In addition to Laszo-Tibor’s photo, the gallery in this article includes four more single images that were submitted to the call and that we decided to showcase alongside the winning photo (turn on the captions for the copyright).

Éanna also selected a winner for the Series category: it’s Antoine Bruy, who participated in the call with his beautiful Scrublands project (read the winner’s announcement). As promised, he will soon start working with Antoine to make the series into a photobook to be published through The Velvet Cell.

We’d like to take this occasion to show our thanks to Éanna for joining us as the juror of the ‘Human Environments’ call: offering to turn the winning series into a book was very generous and a great opportunity that we were happy to bring to photographers worldwide through FotoRoom. Besides being a photographer himself, Éanna is an authentic photobook lover—if you are one too, be sure to check The Velvet Cell’s catalog for some great (and reasonably priced) books. If you’re thinking of self-publishing your next photobook, we recommend you also take a look at Indie Photobooks, a resourceful platform where you can find insider’s tips about making a book at any stage, including design, production and sales.

Thanks again Éanna for jurying the ‘Human Environments’ call!

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