FotoWeb is your weekly guide to the best of photography on the web. This week we loved Tine Poppe’s and Omar Victor Diop’s works on immigration, which have a different approach to the subject matter but both make use of color as a predominant element. We also enjoyed Ilyes Griyeb’s photos of youth in Morocco and the fantastic selection of Eastern European portrait photographers made by The Calvert Journal. Finally, big thanks to the LensCulture team for having a chat about FotoMarket with Fotografia’s founder Graziano Ferri – have a read and contribute to the FotoMarket campaign!

See below for the full list of this week’s best photography links, and sign up to our weekly newsletter to receive next week’s FotoWeb in your email inbox!

FotoWeb – Your weekly guide to the best of photography on the web
Birthe Piontek Invites to the World of Contemplative Juvenility
Photos by Birthe Piontek. Via Thisispaper.
The Twelfth Night © Emanuele Camerini
FotoMarket, the First Ever Crowdfunded Photobook Store
In this interview with LensCulture, Fotografia’s founder Graziano Ferri shares some insight into FotoMarket and the world of photobooks in general. Have a read and contribute to the FotoMarket campaign!
FotoWeb – Your weekly guide to the best of photography on the web
White Is Not a Colour
Photos by Tine Poppe. Via GUP.
FotoWeb – Your weekly guide to the best of photography on the web
The Colour Blue: a Sign of Hope for Refugees
Photos by Omar Victor Diop. Via Proof.
FotoWeb – Your weekly guide to the best of photography on the web
Moroccan Youth
Photos by Ilyes Griyeb. Via Another Something.
FotoWeb – Your weekly guide to the best of photography on the web
Photos by Ilia Yefimovich. Via YET.
FotoWeb – Your weekly guide to the best of photography on the web
21 Portrait Photographers from the New East You Must See
Photos by various artists (above image by Tatiana Vinogradova). Via The Calvert Journal.
FotoWeb – Your weekly guide to the best of photography on the web
The Absurd Notion of the Ideal Female
Photos by Allison Morris. Via Ignant.
FotoWeb – Your weekly guide to the best of photography on the web
Le Marais
Photos by Mikael Lafontan. Via Phases.
FotoWeb – Your weekly guide to the best of photography on the web
Victor Cobo on Blending Documentary and Fine Art to Make Photos that Feel Like a Lucid Dream
Photos by Victor Cobo. Via American Photo.

Here’s a few highlights of our own posts of this week:

Kilamba Kiaxi © Michael MacGarry
Bem-vindos to Kilamba Kiaxi, a Huge Uninhabited City in Angola Built with Chinese Money
Angst © Soham Gupta
Angst – Soham Gupta Shows Us the Faces of Kolkata’s Poorest
Wolfskinder – A photobook by Claudia Heinermann
Wolf Children – Discover the Harrowing, Little Known Story of the Second World War Orphans

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Photo Marta Zgierska

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