Ten Best #FotoMobile Submissions Vol. 66
#FotoMobile is a permanently open call for images shot on a mobile device—our way to celebrate the best of mobile photography. With over 100,000 images currently tagged #FotoMobile on Instagram, this is one of our most successful and exciting initiatives!
Every week, we choose ten best submitted images and share them here on our site and on FotoMobile’s Instagram page. Anyone can participate: to submit, send your entry via email or simply add the #FotoMobile hashtag to your Instagram uploads. If we like your photo, we’ll send you a message about it.

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The Winner in the Series Category of #FotoRoomOPEN | East Edition is Damien Maloney

Introducing Rubber Factory, the Gallery Where #FotoRoomOPEN’s Winner Will Exhibit Their Work

Women of God — Sara Hylton Portrays the Indian Women Marked by the Stigma of ‘Untouchability’

Shared — Nelli Palomäki Explores The Power Dynamics At Work Between Brothers and Sisters

FotoFirst — Nele Gülck Shot *All* the Items a Couple Accumulated Over 66 Years of Marriage

Leonardo Magrelli Surveys Iran’s ‘Ambiguous’ Landscapes

Lost and Found — Marijane Ceruti Wants to “Show the Grit it Takes to Carry on When Life Is Challenging”