Ten Best #FotoMobile Submissions Vol. 45

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The Winner in the Series Category of #FotoRoomOPEN | East Edition is Damien Maloney

Introducing Rubber Factory, the Gallery Where #FotoRoomOPEN’s Winner Will Exhibit Their Work

Women of God — Sara Hylton Portrays the Indian Women Marked by the Stigma of ‘Untouchability’

Shared — Nelli Palomäki Explores The Power Dynamics At Work Between Brothers and Sisters

FotoFirst — Nele Gülck Shot *All* the Items a Couple Accumulated Over 66 Years of Marriage

Leonardo Magrelli Surveys Iran’s ‘Ambiguous’ Landscapes

Lost and Found — Marijane Ceruti Wants to “Show the Grit it Takes to Carry on When Life Is Challenging”