Ten Best #FotoMobile Submissions Vol. 3
Submission by Andonis Kappas

Submission by Marcelo Garcia

Submission by Tommy Keith

Submission by Iacopo Pasqui

Submission by Joe Olson

Submission by Jorge Fusaro

Submission by Antonella Tignanelli (by the way, dyptichs are totally fine as long as both images were shot on a mobile device)

Submission by Kinga Pinkstonowa

Submission by Sergi Llobet

Submission by Warren Sebastian

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FotoFirst — George Voronov Photographs Young People at Religious and Spiritual Retreats

Folly — Jamie E Murray Makes Work Inspired by Conversations with Ex-Prisoners

Niklas Grapatin Turns the Dust in Dhaka’s Air into Magic

Land of Plenty — Marco Barbieri Photographs Doha as a Still and Empty City

Rick Schatzberg Juxtaposes Photos of His Friends When They Were Young and Now in Their 60s

State of Identity — Milan Gies Portrays Young People Transitioning Gender