Tourists vs. Refugees © Jörg Brüggemann
Tourists vs. Refugees © Jörg Brüggemann
Tourists vs. Refugees © Jörg Brüggemann
Tourists vs. Refugees © Jörg Brüggemann
Tourists vs. Refugees © Jörg Brüggemann
Tourists vs. Refugees © Jörg Brüggemann
Tourists vs. Refugees © Jörg Brüggemann
Tourists vs. Refugees © Jörg Brüggemann
Tourists vs. Refugees © Jörg Brüggemann
Tourists vs. Refugees © Jörg Brüggemann
Tourists vs. Refugees © Jörg Brüggemann
Tourists vs. Refugees © Jörg Brüggemann
Tourists vs. Refugees © Jörg Brüggemann
Tourists vs. Refugees © Jörg Brüggemann
Tourists vs. Refugees © Jörg Brüggemann
Tourists vs. Refugees © Jörg Brüggemann

Ciao Jörg, how are you? 
I’m good, thanks.

What is photography for you?
A ticket to the world.

What is Tourists vs. Refugees about?
This summer the Greek island of Kos has become a bott­len­eck of the glo­bal refu­gee stream from the Middle East to Europe. Two worlds collided when in the sum­mer months of 2015 thousand of Syri­ans, Iraqis, Afghans and Pakis­tani were lan­ding on the popu­lar holi­day island while Ger­mans, Bri­tish and Swe­des were relaxing in the sun, bathed in the Medi­ter­ra­nean Sea and ate Gyros.

Where can you be found online?
At my website and on Instagram.

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