La Petite Ceinture © Pierre Folk
La Petite Ceinture © Pierre Folk
La Petite Ceinture © Pierre Folk
La Petite Ceinture © Pierre Folk
La Petite Ceinture © Pierre Folk
La Petite Ceinture © Pierre Folk
La Petite Ceinture © Pierre Folk
La Petite Ceinture © Pierre Folk
La Petite Ceinture © Pierre Folk
La Petite Ceinture © Pierre Folk
La Petite Ceinture © Pierre Folk
La Petite Ceinture © Pierre Folk
La Petite Ceinture © Pierre Folk
La Petite Ceinture © Pierre Folk
La Petite Ceinture © Pierre Folk
La Petite Ceinture © Pierre Folk
La Petite Ceinture © Pierre Folk
La Petite Ceinture © Pierre Folk
La Petite Ceinture © Pierre Folk
La Petite Ceinture © Pierre Folk

There’s a 32km circular railway extending around the city of Paris, and if you never knew about it, it’s probably because it hasn’t been used since the 1930s, when the increasing number of cars and the developing metro railway made it unnecessary.

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Photo Yannis Karpouzis

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