FotoFirst – Javier Torok Uses Everyday Objects for a Study in Image-Making

Ciao Javier, how are you?
I’m doing good, thank you for asking.
What is photography for you?
That’s hard a question to answer because It’s so many things to me. I think most importantly I use it to challenge myself creatively; through the process I usually learn a lot about myself.
What is Gloom about?
It’s a project that has been on my mind for a long time. I wanted to construct images instead of finding them. I wanted to look at the things I live with and use them as my subject matter. In Los Angeles the light and weather are ideal for shooting outdoors, but during the months of May and June it gets overcast, a period which is usually referred to as June Gloom. It became the perfect time for me to start the project.
Where can you be found online?
At my site.
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