Photography Awards

Alpine Fellowship Visual Arts Prize — Closes next 1 March
Anja Niedringhaus Courage In Photojournalism Award (for women photojournalists) — Closes next 3 March
Kolga Tbilisi Photo Award — Closes next 15 March
Forecast 2023 @ SF Camerawork — Closes next 17 March
Innovate Grant — Closes next 23 March
Portrait Project @ Lucie Foundation — Closes next 31 March
Prix Fisheye — Closes next 31 March
Sameness and Semblance @ Phodar Biennial — Closes next 31 March
Colors @ Life Framer — Closes next 31 March

Photography Grants

Artist Residency @ Lithuanian Photographers Association — Closes next 5 March
BUP Book Award — Closes next 5 March
Aftermath Project Grant (for post-conflict stories) — Closes next 10 March
[im]PACT Open Call @ Street Level Photoworks (for recent graduates) — Closes next 10 March
AACC Founders Fellowship (for African American post-graduate students) — Closes next 15 March
Blue Earth Fiscal Sponsorship @ CENTER — Closes next 15 March
ISEM Prizes for Documentary Photography — Closes next 15 March
Me&Eve Grant @ CENTER (for female-identifying photographers aged 40 or over) — Closes next 15 March
Project Development Grant @ CENTER — Closes next 15 March
Project Launch Grant @ CENTER — Closes next 15 March
Serendipity Arles Grant (for South Asian photographers) — Closes next 15 March
Vital Impacts Environmental Photography Grants — Closes next 15 March
Common Ground Issue 02 @ Borderline Press (for female and non-binary photographers) — Closes next 19 March
Italian Sustainability Photo Award — Closes next 20 March
Residency of Creation and Photographic Experimentation — Closes next 29 March
Alkazi Foundation for the Arts Photobook Grant (for South Asian photographers) — Closes next 30 March
Photojournalism and Documentary Photography Seminar (for photographers from selected South and Central American countries) — Closes next 30 March
Return2Ithaca Residency Program — Closes next 30 March
Artist Residency @ Camargo Foundation & School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences — Closes next 31 March
Regeneration: A Future Perceived @ Artphilein Photobook Contest — Closes next 31 March
Emerging Artist Fellowship @ Atlanta Celebrates Photography — Closes next 31 March

Open calls

Photography Competition @ Communication Arts — Closes next 3 March
Bodily Autonomies @ Queer Festival Heidelberg — Closes next 12 March
Exhibition Proposal @ LA Art Book Fair — Closes next 13 March
CENTER Awards — Closes next 15 March
Excellence in Multimedia Award @ CENTER — Closes next 15 March
Street Photography @ F-Stop Magazine — Closes next 15 March
Exhibition Propostal @ Head On Photo Festival — Closes next 19 March
Picto Fashion Photography Award (for photographers aged 35 or under) — Closes next 19 March
In Our Place — Closes next 20 March
La Muta Prize @ Senigallia Photography Biennial — Closes next 23 March
Meanwhile @ Der Greif Guest Room — Closes next 23 March
International Photography Competition @ The Photo Review — Closes next 26 March
Sprouting @ SMACH Biennale of the Dolomites — Closes next 26 March
Courage @ Helsinki Photo Festival — Closes next 31 March
Fresh Eyes — Closes next 31 March
The Curated Fridge — Closes next 1 April

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