Salvados © Mathias de Lattre
Salvados © Mathias de Lattre
Salvados © Mathias de Lattre
Salvados © Mathias de Lattre
Salvados © Mathias de Lattre
Salvados © Mathias de Lattre
Salvados © Mathias de Lattre
Salvados © Mathias de Lattre
Salvados © Mathias de Lattre
Salvados © Mathias de Lattre

Greyhounds are beautiful dogs. It’s not a coincidence that they have been traditionally favored by aristocrats as their companions throughout history – they often appear in historical paintings on the side of kings and other prominent members of societies. Besides their beauty, greyhounds are appreciated for their hunting skills; and they are still widely used for hunting purposes.

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Photo Sarah Hiatt

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