Paths © Ruben Brulat
Paths © Ruben Brulat
Paths © Ruben Brulat
Paths © Ruben Brulat
Paths © Ruben Brulat
Paths © Ruben Brulat
Paths © Ruben Brulat
Paths © Ruben Brulat
Paths © Ruben Brulat
Paths © Ruben Brulat
Paths © Ruben Brulat
Paths © Ruben Brulat

Paths is a remarkable series by photographer Ruben Brulat. To make these images Ruben traveled to countries such as Iran, Iraq, Tibet and Mongolia, and photographed the naked body of one or two people immersed in breath-taking natural scenarios, creating a stark contrast between the scale of the scene and that of the humans.

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