Images from Kazakhstan © Gianfranco Gallucci
Images from Kazakhstan © Gianfranco Gallucci
Images from Kazakhstan © Gianfranco Gallucci
Images from Kazakhstan © Gianfranco Gallucci
Images from Kazakhstan © Gianfranco Gallucci
Images from Kazakhstan © Gianfranco Gallucci
Images from Kazakhstan © Gianfranco Gallucci
Images from Kazakhstan © Gianfranco Gallucci
Images from Kazakhstan © Gianfranco Gallucci
Images from Kazakhstan © Gianfranco Gallucci
Images from Kazakhstan © Gianfranco Gallucci
Images from Kazakhstan © Gianfranco Gallucci
Images from Kazakhstan © Gianfranco Gallucci
Images from Kazakhstan © Gianfranco Gallucci
Images from Kazakhstan © Gianfranco Gallucci
Images from Kazakhstan © Gianfranco Gallucci
Images from Kazakhstan © Gianfranco Gallucci

Kazakhstan is a Central-Asian country bordering on the likes of Russia, Mongolia, China and Uzbekistan, among others. It has a population of nearly 18 million people (63.6% Kazakhs, 23.3% Russians, a few Uzbeks and some Ukrainians) and an extension of 2,724,900 square kilometers. Throughout history, it’s been under the Mongol and Russian Empires (in that order), but in 1991 it declared independence from URSS and became a presidential republic. Now it’s heading fast into modernity. How do we know? Wikipedia, of course.

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