Alps © Ettore Moni
Alps © Ettore Moni
Alps © Ettore Moni
Alps © Ettore Moni
Alps © Ettore Moni
Alps © Ettore Moni
Alps © Ettore Moni
Alps © Ettore Moni
Alps © Ettore Moni
Alps © Ettore Moni
Alps © Ettore Moni
Alps © Ettore Moni
Alps © Ettore Moni
Alps © Ettore Moni
Alps © Ettore Moni
Alps © Ettore Moni

The Alps are a major mountain range extending along Italy’s Northern border and into neighboring countries like France, Switzerland and Austria. Photographer Ettore Moni explored the Alpine landscape for testimonies of the human presence: ski resorts, utility poles, shelters, etc.

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Photo Jordi Huisman

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