About one year ago, we launched #FotoMobile on a mission to celebrate the best of mobile photography—to share with our Instagram followers those small moments of unexpected beauty and visual surprise that you have more chances to stumble upon when you only have your phone on you. A year later, you guys submitted nearly 80,000 images tagged #FotoMobile on Instagram: a success!

We’d like to thank everyone who uses the hashtag for participating in our project—we’ve seen so many great images and look forward to seeing more in the next year!

To celebrate #FotoMobile’s first birthday, we’ve put together a selection of 25 bestest submissions we’ve received throughout the year and shared here on the website and on our Instagram feed. But #FotoMobile remains permanently open: send your best mobile shots via email—remember to put #FotoMobile in the subject!—including your name and a link to your website / Instagram page / Tumblr blog / etc. Or simply add the #FotoMobile hashtag to your Instagram photos—if they catch our eye, we’ll DM you asking to send the photo so we can take a closer look!

#FotoMobile - Celebrating mobile photography
Submission by Andres Castro from #FotoMobile Vol. 1
#FotoMobile - Celebrating mobile photography
Submission by Janne Tuunanen from #FotoMobile Vol. 2
#FotoMobile - Celebrating Mobile Photography
Submission by Ernesto Pena from #FotoMobile Vol. 5
#FotoMobile - Celebrating Mobile Photography
Submission by Hannah Sturm from #FotoMobile Vol. 7
#FotoMobile — Celebrating mobile photography
Submission by Jason Nam from #FotoMobile Vol. 10
#FotoMobile - Celebrating mobile photography
Submission by Tim Flower from #FotoMobile Vol. 12
#FotoMobile - Celebrating mobile photography
Submission by Mark Rammers from #FotoMobile Vol. 16
#FotoMobile - Celebrating mobile photography
Submission by Antonio D’Agostino from #FotoMobile Vol. 23
#FotoMobile - Celebrating mobile photography
Submission by Antonio Maria Fantetti from #FotoMobile Vol. 23
#FotoMobile - Celebrating mobile photography
Submission by Alexandre Papanicolau from #FotoMobile Vol. 25
#FotoMobile - Celebrating mobile photography
Submission by Malwin Bela Hurkey from #FotoMobile Vol. 27
#FotoMobile - Celebrating mobile photography
Submission by Elsa Seignol from #FotoMobile Vol. 28
#FotoMobile – Celebrating mobile photography
Submission by James Needham from #FotoMobile Vol. 32
#FotoMobile – Celebrating mobile photography
Submission by Anastasiya Derzhavina from #FotoMobile Vol. 34
#FotoMobile – Celebrating mobile photography
Submission by Joao Rocha from #FotoMobile Vol. 35
#FotoMobile – Celebrating mobile photography
Submission by Eugene Ivanov from #FotoMobile Vol. 36
#FotoMobile – Celebrating mobile photography
Submission by Gergo Farkas from #FotoMobile Vol. 38
#FotoMobile – Celebrating mobile photography
Submission by Rudiger von Selzam from #FotoMobile Vol. 38
#FotoMobile – Celebrating mobile photography
Submission by @ollili from #FotoMobile Vol. 39
#FotoMobile – Celebrating mobile photography
Submission by Marcella Magalotti from #FotoMobile Vol. 40
#FotoMobile – Celebrating mobile photography
Submission by Nicola Cipriani from #FotoMobile Vol. 41
#FotoMobile – Celebrating mobile photography
Submission by Rodions Zolotarjovs from #FotoMobile Vol. 41
#FotoMobile – Celebrating mobile photography
Submission by Simon Deadman from #FotoMobile Vol. 42
#FotoMobile – Celebrating mobile photography
Submission by Rudiger von Selzam from #FotoMobile Vol. 44
#FotoMobile – Celebrating mobile photography
Submission by Simon Deadman from #FotoMobile Vol. 49

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Photo Tommaso Rada

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