Evelyn © Will Harris
Evelyn © Will Harris
Evelyn © Will Harris
Evelyn © Will Harris
Evelyn © Will Harris
Evelyn © Will Harris
Evelyn © Will Harris
Evelyn © Will Harris
Evelyn © Will Harris
Evelyn © Will Harris
Evelyn © Will Harris
Evelyn © Will Harris

Ciao Will, how are you?
I’m well, thanks.

What is photography for you?
It’s a way to capture the fleeting and to share my view of the world with others.

What is Evelyn about? 
Evelyn is a reintroduction into a space that I had been absent from for quite some time, that space being my grandma Evelyn’s house. The work is not so much about the person though as it is about the space and the memories I had of it as a child, as well as the memories from the past it contains. Those memories don’t belong to just me: the house has been in my family for 60 years or so, my grandmother lived in it with many people and for quite some time, also by herself.

Where can you be found online? 
Here’s my website, and I’m also on Tumblr.

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