The Heart Button

Become a Pro member (only €20/year) and start saving your favorite content by clicking the mighty button.

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Photo Attila Floszmann

The power of the heart

We hope you enjoy all the contemporary photography series we present on FotoRoom; but seeing as how diverse it is, we’re sure there are projects among them that you love more than others. The button lets you save your favorite series to your personal area, so that you can create a custom collection of the best content you come across on FotoRoom.

Images you LOVE 

The heart button is provided not only for full series, but also for every single image in each series. If you come across a photograph that, for whatever reason, speaks to you, just click the heart button to return to it and take a second look anytime you want.

Put the heart in your creative process

If you’re a photographer and you’re looking to start a new series, you know that looking at others’ work can be an important part of your creative process. We designed a few tools for our Pro members to quickly find projects you might be interested in from our full and growing archive of contemporary photography projects. Combine this with the ability to bookmark images and or projects through the heart button, and your FotoRoom membership becomes another string in the bow of your creative process!

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