These Stories Will Continue Forever © Ullla Kokki
These Stories Will Continue Forever © Ullla Kokki
These Stories Will Continue Forever © Ullla Kokki
These Stories Will Continue Forever © Ullla Kokki
These Stories Will Continue Forever © Ullla Kokki
These Stories Will Continue Forever © Ullla Kokki
These Stories Will Continue Forever © Ullla Kokki
These Stories Will Continue Forever © Ullla Kokki
These Stories Will Continue Forever © Ullla Kokki
These Stories Will Continue Forever © Ullla Kokki
These Stories Will Continue Forever © Ullla Kokki
These Stories Will Continue Forever © Ullla Kokki
These Stories Will Continue Forever © Ullla Kokki
These Stories Will Continue Forever © Ullla Kokki

Ciao Ulla, how are you?
I’m fine, thank you! Just baked a birthday cake for my sister.

What is photography for you?
To me photography is about having the ability to remember and a possibility to forget. A photograph is an attempt to be here, but I somehow end up being somewhere else.

What is These Stories Will Continue Forever (And Therefore I Am Smiling At You) about?
Photographs in the series are overshadowed by the experience that one, meaning myself/photographer, is actually too far away. I approach but I never encounter; I am close but too far away when I am behind the camera. I don’t have a specific need to explain myself comprehensively, I combine photographs together to create stories for the viewer to tell.

The decision to pick up a camera or not is important to me. I wouldn’t like to interrupt anything with the presence of my camera, but I must do it if I want to take the photograph. Every picture, and every moment for a potential picture, is an on-off situation. I am wondering all the time if this is the right moment because it will never be the same again. In some way the series is shaped by the thought that uncertainty is the only thing that stays.

Where can you be found online?
At my website and on Instagram for mobile snapshots.

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Photo Michele Sibiloni

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